The Kingdom Is Like Christ

June 8th, 2024

Acts 28:23-31

Jesus admonished His followers: “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you” (John 15:12). The convincing witness of the New Testament church was: “See how they love one another.” The church is the embodiment of the kingdom of God.

Healthy relationships are based on the kingdom model of mutuality. The Holy Spirit brings unity out of diversity. There is purposeful unity, not mere uniformity. As we reflect God and the kingdom, we are more like the people whom God created us to be.

What a witness for the church when others see how the believers accept each other, include each other, love each other! They get along with each other. They learn to live faithfully with the differences that come when people get together. Healthy relationships are characteristic of a holy people.

The Holy Spirit is the great unifier. John Wesley, who informed the theology of Wesleyan faith churches more than any other, spoke of the “pure love to God and others.” Christian holiness is about the theology of love, not good works or performance.

Author: Nina Gunter

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