
May 26th, 2024

Psalm 118:21-29

“Forever” is one of those words that sometimes falls victim to exaggeration. Perhaps someone hasn’t seen a particular person in forever, or it has been forever since they ate at a specific restaurant. Truth be told, “forever” is simply an extended period of time that only seems like forever.

The psalmist implores us to offers thanks to our good God, because His love endures forever. That forever is literal—for keeps and always. This forever love is intentional, endless, unconditional, and for everyone. It can’t be earned, purchased, or traded. God just gives it to us, freely, and abundantly.

So perhaps as Christ-followers, loved by God in a forever sort of way, we should heed the directive in Psalm 118 in the same, endless fashion. Forever, we should give thanks to God. Not just for a season, but for always and for keeps.

God’s love endures forever. May we have thankful hearts that seek to do likewise.

Author: Andrea Talley

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