Holy Moments

May 25th, 2024

Hebrews 4:12-16

You just never know when a holy moment is going to swoop in and hijack your day. I once received a text from a sweet friend while I was working. The text she sent took a lot of courage to write and she was seeking God’s help for her hurt. Without thinking, I excused myself and went back to my empty classroom to answer her. I believe that while distance separated us, we were together in the same holy moment.

I’ve reflected on that moment more than once since it happened. I’ve thought about my friend’s willingness to be vulnerable and to share such an intimate struggle. I’ve thought about the sense of urgency I felt to respond. It was all beautifully orchestrated by the Spirit.

We serve a God who is enough. He’s enough for every trial, temptation, every struggle. He uses holy moments to remind us that we are His, and because we are His, we are enough. In those holy moments, He meets us right where we are and gives us just what we need, including the courage to invite others to stand with us as the storm rages.

Author: Andrea Talley


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