Winning Vs Losing

February 22nd, 2024

Hebrews 10:32-39

The author of Hebrews encouraged believers who had experienced persecution not to lose heart; their confidence in Christ was not in vain and would be rewarded in due time.

There are times when it is difficult to sense God’s nearness or understand why our prayers are not being answered. Other times, we can become disillusioned by the church or frustrated with our culture and wonder if our efforts to share the gospel are making any tangible difference. Being a disciple of Jesus is not always convenient; indeed, for many believers in the world, it is extremely costly. It is understandable why many believers are tempted to abandon the cause of Christ, even though they would never go so far as to abandon Christ himself.

Our confidence in Christ is expressed through our participation in what He is doing in the world. We are called to persevere not until we know the will of God, but rather until we have done it, believing that we will receive what He has promised.

Author: Albert Hung

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