Mercies in the Making

February 6th, 2024

Luke 15:11-19

Many of the best stories start with the sketchiest of characters. Look at Ebenezer in Charles Dickens’ novel, A Christmas Carol, or Darth Vader in Star Wars. Their beginnings looked hopeful, full of promise, yet somewhere along the way, they took a turn to the dark side. Their selfish and misguided ambitions led them to a place of despair and regret.

The prodigal son’s life began just like his brother’s had. He had all that he needed and more. The father loved them, and everything that he had was shared, but it was not enough. Envy and desire burned, and the son demanded money, reminding his father, with words and actions, that he wished him as good as dead. Yet at his lowest, when he looked up in hope, he saw his father. He knew that no matter how terrible things had been that there was undeserved mercy waiting for him.

Oh, friend, there is no sin too great, no offense too great, that God will not forgive. God is waiting. God is hoping. It is time to come home.

Author: Rachel Kuhn

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