Redemptive Story

December 8th, 2023

Matthew 25:31-40

In the world of content creation and publishing, you scramble for the copyright. Maintaining command of your own story matters.

Unfortunately (and often unwittingly), we take up this same “all rights reserved” posture with Jesus. We want Jesus to redeem our story, but we want to maintain the copyright. We want Him to edit the less than favorable portions of our story and ensure the final chapter has a positive outcome, but we want a stake in what happens in each subsequent chapter.

This isn’t the way redemption works. The story of Jesus, a story that makes possible the radical transformation of our lives, suggests that the quality of our writing suffers under the weight of sin and selfishness.

There’s only one way for our story to flourish. Flourishing means yielding our story wholly and fully to God, aligning our intentions with God’s glory and neighborly love. To live the redemptive story is to yield the pen of our lives. Who holds the pen in your life today?

Author: Teanna Sunberg


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