God Has Remembered

November 28th, 2023

Luke 1:11-17

The right side of a person or place signifies honor and righteousness throughout Scripture (God creates and swears by His right hand, Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father, and when He returns in judgment, the faithful sheep will be placed on His right). There was a reason the angel appeared where he did by the altar: he had good news to share.

If time had stood still, Zechariah could have recalled the many angelic encounters filled with good, almost unbelievable news found in the Scriptures he knew by heart. Yet it didn’t, and we cannot fault Zechariah for being startled first and foremost. How would you react if an angel appeared before you?

Nonetheless, Zechariah was instructed to set aside his fear and listen. What he heard next was a beautiful expression of the meaning of his name, “God has remembered.” Not only did God remember an aging couple’s prayers for a son, but He also remembered His people, the Israelites. He did not abandon them, but would work through John to prepare them for the coming Messiah.

Author: Miranda Musick


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