God Hears Us

January 27th, 2023

Psalm 99:1-9

Psalm 99 is a celebration of the kingship of Yahweh. It has all the other-worldliness that we would expect. God’s throne is a living throne of cherubim! But what’s more, we are told on three occasions that God is holy. Here is no ordinary king, this is the transcendent One who sits above all things. In the face of such holiness, we are told to “praise [God’s] great and awesome name” (v. 3).

Interestingly, amid this reflection on the holiness of God we are given the names of Moses, Aaron, and Samuel. It is not enough that God’s awesomeness is displayed in such things as the “pillar of cloud,” our God chooses to come near us and to hear us. God enthroned above is also the God who “made his dwelling among us” (John 1:14). 

Our hope, then, is that as our holy God draws near to us and as we respond to Him that we will become more like Him. We, too, will “love justice . . . establish equity . . . [do] what is just and right” (v. 4). May this be true for us today.

Author: Dustin Metcalf


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