Without Interruption

May 9th, 2021

RG AUDIO 050921


Hebrews 13:9-21

Have you ever had a day with multiple interruptions? Even as I write this, the kids are one of my sources of interruptions—needing a drink, asking questions, or wanting my attention. Of course, they aren’t the only source of interruptions. The variety of electronic devices I have interrupt me with beeping notifications. Interruptions just seem to be part of life.

The writer of Hebrews tells the reader to “Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings” (13:9a). Don’t let the world distract you from your God-given purpose. “It is good for our hearts to be strengthened by grace,” so do not let the non-essentials of religion interrupt your life in Christ (v.9b). As we give Jesus continual praise, let us not be interrupted by the unnecessary, dispensable.

This kind of continual praise without interruption is only possible by the grace of God. We cannot be grace-filled once and for all. Rather, we are called to continually lean into God’s grace. With that grace, continually flowing through us, we can praise God without interruption.

Author: Mark Hendrickson


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