Filled With The Spirit of God

November 30th, 2019

RG AUDIO 113019


Luke 1:68-80

What were your first words? If you are like most children, it was probably “da da.” Apparently, those syllables are the easiest for a child’s tongue to form. Can you imagine what it would be like to not be able to speak for months on end, and then suddenly have the power of words?

What would your first words be?

Zechariah is a beautiful example for us to examine. His first words, after naming his son John, were words of praise and honor and glory. Why? Before he began to sing, He was filled with the Holy Spirit.

He didn’t speak until He was consumed with the Spirit of God! Oh friends, how might this filling change every conversation we have? What love might we give?

Zechariah looked ahead to the day that his son would walk before Jesus, who would bring the world from darkness to light and change mourning into peace. He was consumed with God! As we look to Advent, let us pray that God will fill us with this same Spirit and let the praise flow forth!

Author: Jennifer Coffman


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