Words Matter

November 29th, 2019

RG AUDIO 112919


Malachi 3:16—4:6

Words matter. That whole sticks and stones thing? We all know that it is not true. What we say is important. James warned us in his New Testament letter of the importance of our words when he said, “Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be” (3:10). Words can bring life, or they can bring death. They can bring help, or they can bring harm. They can bring hope, or they can bring despair.

God hears each word we say. He doesn’t just pop in to listen to our “holy” conversations; He hears them all. That’s why it’s so important to recognize the power our words have.

What if all of heaven was going to react based on what God heard from your mouth? When He hears encouragement, love, and peace words from you, imagine heaven having a party! But when God hears gossip, complaining, or negativity pour out of you, oh my!

Words matter. God hears. Pray that God will be the one to open your mouth (Ps. 51:15) and let Him direct your words.

Author: Jennifer Coffman


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