Holy Life

June 28th, 2019

RG AUDIO 062819


1 Peter 2:11-21

The fog in my mind was heavy. I could see the people around me and hear their voices. I could see their compassionate faces. The moments, days, and weeks following my 17 year old sister’s death were long and difficult. My residency here on earth came into perspective. It was all just temporary.

Peter emphasizes to the persecuted church that their residency was temporary as well. They fought through relocating their families, many were literally foreigners. Persecution by the government, as well as neighbors, was at a high. The world was waging war on them and Peter wanted to give them the ability to fight back. The weapon? Behave honorably: live above reproach so that “they will see your honorable deeds and give honor to God.”

C. S. Lewis says, “If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.” While we live as temporary residence here, let us not forget to live in a way that brings honor to God, no matter what the situation.

Author: Rachel Kuhn


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