Jesus: Our Savior

September 12th, 2017

RG AUDIO 091217


John 1:19-31

The lamb was a significant part of Jewish religious life. During Passover, a lamb was sacrificed and its blood used to cover the doorposts of their homes, commemorating the time when they had been captives in Egypt and the angel of death spared all those in homes marked by the blood of a lamb. When Pharaoh saw the hand of God in the death of all first-born males, he finally released the Jews from their bondage.

When John saw Jesus approaching to be baptized, John recognized Him as the Lamb of God. Just as the Jewish people were delivered from death and physical bondage through the blood of a lamb, John knew that Jesus had come to set us free from spiritual death and darkness.

Jesus became that sacrifice when He died for our sins. Jesus’ sacrifice brought us the opportunity for life, but we must receive that gift through repentance–through turning away from our sins and putting our faith in Him. Only then will we be covered by the blood of the Lamb and delivered from spiritual death to life.

Author: Norayr Hajian


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