Finding Wisdom

November 2nd, 2016

RG AUDIO 110216


Proverbs 3:11-26

When Solomon could ask for anything, he asked God for wisdom. He then taught us the importance of wisdom, showing us how to ask for this gift that is a tree of life for those who embrace it. There is nothing in life we can desire that compares to wisdom.

Sounds great! I’ll take as much as you would like to give me, Lord. I want to follow the way of wisdom. I want to listen to wisdom’s instruction and watch for direction from God. To find wisdom is to find life–that is a powerful concept to soak in.

And how may I obtain this wisdom? By asking and by seeking, by trusting and by fearing. It is in my relationship with God that I am blessed with all God has to teach me. I choose to come and listen. I cry out for insight and I ask for understanding. I will search for them as I would for silver; I will seek them like hidden treasure. I will store God’s commands in my heart, tie them around my neck as a reminder and write them deep within my heart.

Author: Scott & Sherry Sherwood


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