Love In Forgiveness

November 1st, 2016

RG AUDIO 110116


Psalm 78:32-39

Think about His love. Think about the love of our God and how His love is reflected through our actions, often looking a lot like mercy.

Mercy is, by definition, forgiveness. Merriam-Webster defines mercy as compassion, especially toward someone who has offended you, or compassionate treatment of someone in distress. If we want to experience mercy in our lives, we need a heart that is merciful toward others.

Not one of us is perfect. We have all sinned, and we are all in need of a Savior–of mercy extended beyond what we deserve. It is this mercy that allows us entrance into the kingdom of heaven and the opportunity to begin experiencing eternal life right here on earth–mercy extended to us because we have a heart that extends mercy toward others.

It is God’s desire to love others through us today. Whom is God calling you to reach out to today? Lord, give us a heart of mercy so that forgiveness and compassion are reflections of you in our lives.

Author: Scott & Sherry Sherwood

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