
July 17th, 2010


The story is told of an evangelist driving through a small town, stopped by a policeman and charged with speeding. The minister admitted his guilt and was told by the officer he would have to appear in court.
The judge asked, “Guilty, or not guilty?” When the evangelist pleaded guilty, the judge replied, “That’ll be $10–a dollar for every mile you were over the limit.”

Suddenly the judge recognized the minister and said, “You have violated the law. The fine must be paid, but I am going to pay it for you.” “That,” said the preacher, “is how God treats repentant sinners!”

Grace is a gift that costs everything to the giver and nothing to the receiver. It is given to those who don’t deserve it, barely recognize it, and are hopelessly doomed without it. What the law falls short, Jesus’ blood prevails.

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One Response to “Grace”

  1. pam Says:

    July 17th, 2010 at 11:05 pm

    God works in mysterious ways and when He does we don’t ask why; we just Praise The Lord and ask Him to bless others as He has blessed us.

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