Be Responsible in Obeying God
October 29th, 2023
Does the author of Hebrews send a conflicting message about entering God’s rest? “[L]et us be careful that none of you be found to have fallen short of it” (v. 1). Paul says we have all fallen short, but he was talking about God’s glory. What is this rest and how do we fall short of it?
Have you ever completed a project and looked at it with accomplishment thinking, “I did this”? It’s finished and the work is done. Christ did this for us through His life, death, and resurrection to bring reconciliation with God and humanity.
To turn to doing, working, earning—striving for our own salvation—that’s how we fall short of that rest. Our responsibility is to trust the work of Christ in reconciling us to God and God’s work in making us holy. We live in this rest as we do God’s will in obedience to and trust in Christ. To do otherwise is to fall short and enter disobedience.
Author: Michael Scarlett