Confidence in the One Who Sees and Knows

December 12th, 2020

RG AUDIO 121220


Hebrews 4:8-16

The disobedience of the Israelites was what led them to miss out on the rest offered to them by God. They ignored the judgment of God’s Word, which penetrates deeply into every human heart.

This passage challenges the readers to allow that judgment to examine every motive of their hearts, and to be transformed by what is discovered. The Israelites could not hide who they were before the discerning eye of their Creator. Neither can we.

The good news is that the same one who judges is also the one who grants mercy. Thanks to Jesus, we know that whatever darkness is found within us will not be held against us, if only we offer it up freely. Jesus truly does understand every thought and attitude within our hearts, for He also experienced each one. He sees us as we are, and yet loves us entirely and provides the strength we need to flourish even in our weakness. Because of His love, entering God’s rest is not a far-off dream, but a promise and a hope we can claim today.

Author: Rachel Campbell

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