The Goodness of God Prevails

May 28th, 2024

Psalm 73:10-20

Over and over, Scripture affirms that our questions do not threaten God. In fact, our searching for answers to complicated questions about the way God works often allows us to deepen our relationship with God as we better understand God’s heart. In Pslam 73, the psalmist continues the line of questioning present in the first 10 verses: Why do enemies of the Lord prosper? Why do the faithful suffer?

It is only when the psalmist comes into the presence of God that their questions are answered and the faithfulness of the Lord is remembered. Our efforts to be pure of heart are not wasted, it turns out, because God has a larger plan that we cannot always see.

Ultimately, evil cannot win and the goodness of God always prevails. The Lord is in control and our energy does not need to be spent getting revenge on those who are wicked. We just have to remain faithful until then, putting God at the center of all our relationships and trusting that God does not forget promises.

Author: Lexi Sunberg


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