Share Your Story

May 11th, 2024

Job 33:19-30

We started our first church board meeting of the year, taking turns as each person shared the story of their salvation. One by one, each one spoke.

Do you remember when you came to faith in Jesus? Maybe it was as a child in a Sunday School class. Maybe a friend prayed with you for salvation on a lunch break. Maybe it was at the close of a Sunday service or revival meeting.

I remember praying at the altar during Vacation Bible School. I remember telling my grandparents the next time we visited their house. I remember celebrations of joy from saints of the Lord when we talked about my coming to know and accept Jesus as my Savior. There was joy on their faces as they heard the news and as they encouraged me to keep following Jesus. It was a joy that they knew from their walk with the Lord too.

One by one, each person on the board shared their story. It was awesome. It gave us all a sense of purpose and hope for serving the Lord in the coming year.

Author: Caleb Reynolds


One Response to “Share Your Story”

  1. Flashpaqjnz Says:

    May 15th, 2024 at 6:11 pm

    Europe, and in Ancient Russia

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