Remember God Is Greater

April 7th, 2024

1 John 4:1-6

In 1 John, the author addresses a rift within the congregation: Some believers held onto their faith and others were pulled away by a false teacher. John’s words were aimed at the remnant in that congregation—the people who remained steadfast in their faith in Jesus Christ.

John states that anyone who denies that Jesus came in the flesh is not from God. The believers were to let them know that they did not have to be bogged-down by this pull toward false teaching (v. 4). They could overcome it and the world because of the Lord who dwelt within them.

There are voices out there who claim to be Christians but who sound oddly similar to the world. The New Testament constantly reinforces the fact that the person of Jesus Christ is the incarnation of God’s truth, and He is the only valid test of truth.

We must test the spirits so that we know the truth and we know the true Spirit. The Holy Spirit will guide us correctly, and we will overcome the world because the Lord lives in us.

Author: Rachelle “Shelly” Miller

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