Saturating Life’s Messes
March 16th, 2024
I have a rather high appreciation for a certain brand of blue dishwashing soap and sodium bicarbonate. These two items mixed with a bit of hot water and some patience covers a multitude of stains. I’ve experienced the mixture’s ability to cut through life’s messes and make it clean again.
I have an even higher appreciation for God’s love and grace. These two attributes of God mixed with a great deal of mercy cover a multitude of sins. God’s Word proves this truth in 1 Peter 4. Time after time, Christ-followers around the world have experienced the power of God’s love to saturate life’s messes and make hearts whole again.
Perhaps life has given you custody of some particularly stubborn messes. In the midst of cleaning up those messes, it can be easy to become overwhelmed and forget others are just as loved and treasured by the Father as you are. Sometimes, loving others isn’t the easiest, but it never fails to ease a multitude of seemingly impossible situations.
Author: Andrea Talley