One Point Is Needed

March 8th, 2024

1 Corinthians 16:12-24

To be the church that God calls us to be—not going through the motions, not playing church, not even seeing a few good things happen every now and then—but to do great things for God, then we must be a singular unit. One team. One body with everyone contributing in ways great and small.        

Stacy King was a teammate of Michael Jordan on the Chicago Bulls basketball team. One night, Jordan scored 69 points for the Bulls and King scored one point. Just one point. After the game, a bunch of reporters were in awe of Jordan’s mastery on the basketball court and scoring 69 points in a single game, when a reporter went up to King and asked, “What will you always remember about this game?”

Without hesitation, King said, “I will always remember this as the night that Michael Jordan and I scored 70 points.” What a wonderful comment. King understood they were a team. They could not have scored 70 points without his one point contribution. It’s the same in the church. We need everyone contributing. In the church, we are one.

Author: Rob Prince

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