Pleas For Justice

February 19th, 2024

Luke 18:1-8

One of the deepest cries of the heart is our longing for justice in a broken world. Society favors the rich and powerful, often at the expense of the poor and weak. Inequity, prejudice, and corruption undermine our institutions and systems, despite our best efforts to the contrary. Not everyone has the resources or relationships necessary to thrive in a competitive and often callous culture.

Some groups are particularly vulnerable to abuse and exploitation, such as women, children, the elderly, immigrants, and the poor. For that reason, God repeatedly instructs us to take special care of such people.

Jesus’ parable of the persistent widow is not only an exhortation to prayer, but also an indication of what kind of prayers move God’s heart. Joining the poor and powerless in their pleas for justice should be a regular feature of our prayers. Furthermore, we should expect the Lord to use us to answer those prayers, so that God’s kingdom may be realized on earth.

Author: Albert Hung

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