Seek God First
January 18th, 2024
Matthew 6:24-34
Turn on the television or radio. Scroll through social media. Look around at signs, posters, and billboards everywhere. It doesn’t take long to realize that we are surrounded by ads designed to convince us that we need what they are selling.
Ads target people with messages that make them feel unhappy, insecure, or self-conscious. It’s not hard for advertisers to find a weak spot to convince us we need something to improve our lives and fill our needs.
Jesus tells us this isn’t the way of His kingdom. We should not be looking for satisfaction in possessions. Our value and our status should not come from what we own, from the opinions of others, or by comparing ourselves to everyone else. All that we need should be satisfied through seeking God first. When we seek God, our perspective changes as we learn to see ourselves and our circumstances through God’s eyes, which allows everything else to fall into place according to His plan.
Author: Karolyn Parsons
February 28th, 2025 at 5:37 pm
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