God Plans Your Future

November 23rd, 2023

Daniel 8:19-27

This unusual vision left Daniel a bit fearful and confused. The vision is about the end of time, the distant future. Through prophecy, the Lord gives us glimpses, but not a road map, to our futures.

Biblical prophecy wavers between warnings and promises, and sometimes the two blend. Based on the volume of already-fulfilled prophecy, you can believe that all prophecy will be fulfilled eventually. A theme in the book of Daniel is that people are disobedient, so they must repent. The message, repent and obey, is still relevant. Any time is a great time to repent and obey, even today.

A long-term unknown future can be scary. But God’s going to be there to lead His faithful followers through the unknown. He will take care of us. Those of us who have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ will face the next world humble, yet confident. Heaven, and the entire after-life experience, will be wonderful because it was invented by the Lord himself.

Author: Mark E. Lail

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