Uniquely You

October 21st, 2023

Ephesians 4:11-16

Have you ever wanted to be someone else? Or perhaps you have wanted the characteristics of someone else? What if God made you uniquely as you are for His glory? Sin does have a way of distorting how God created you and so there are dark areas of our hearts that are constantly in need of light.

God has equipped every person in such a unique way. When people truly trust God completely, and are comfortable in their own skin, then God’s amazing grace is evident! Not for the praise or glory of the person, but rather for the glory of God!

Cara and her husband have different gifting from God and they are so thankful. They are better when they work together in the way that God has uniquely equipped us. This is the same for the Church, the Body of Christ. Everyone has a unique gifting from God to help the Body of Christ be built up in unity and glorify God.  This is achieved by speaking the truth in love. As a direct result “we will grow to become . . . the mature body of him . . .  Christ” (v. 15).

Author: Cara Shonamon

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