The Crushing Weight

October 12th, 2023

Isaiah 6:1-8

How could any human feel worthy in saying, “I saw the Lord”? If all the holy actions of all humanity were converted into water, they would amount to less than a drop in the sea of God’s holiness. The resistance of Isaiah to the call is bound to the realization of the vastness of God’s holiness. How could any human have the audacity to feel worthy?

Isaiah had been calling out to the people their betrayal of the vow of allegiance to Yahweh. Now, in the presence of the Holy One, Isaiah comes face to face with his own unworthiness. The crushing weight of humility has fallen on him.

It is through the very holiness that so intimidates and humbles us that we are made worthy. His grace has made it possible for us to interact with Him. We must never lose sight of that.

What is He calling us to do today? We mustn’t fear the challenge. We must accept the tasks God has put before us. Will you go for Him today?

Author: Laura High


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