Humble, And Proud of It

May 2nd, 2023

James 4:7-12

Have you ever known anyone that was so humble that they almost seemed proud of their humility? They seem to be the head of their own advertising agency; they skillfully shine the spotlight on their own accomplishments. The glory, unfortunately, is only bestowed upon the performer and no appreciation is given to the Giver of the gifts.

There’s nothing wrong with being confident and happy in one’s accomplishments. God’s given each of us abilities and He wants us to joyfully use whatever gift He has given us. There’s a difference between being confident and extreme self-promotion. That difference is Jesus Christ. If we allow Christ to be the head of our advertising department, then He skillfully shines through the produce of our God given gifts. The Father wraps our efforts to further His kingdom in His glory. And, because all of the glory goes straight to God, the performer shines. Not only does the performer shine, scripture states that God lifts them up! In the end, perhaps the performer is shining brighter than if they had done their own advertising.

Author: Andrea Talley


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