Refreshing My Soul

April 16th, 2023

Psalm 19:7-14

This psalm is a portion of Scripture we would be wise to read slowly, again and again. Allow it to resonate within us.

When you read these verses over again, consider which phrases are easy for you to proclaim, and which ones seem more difficult. You might want to journal what comes to mind as you study these words. What images of God come to mind? What memories do you have of God that arise as you read? Focus on what emotions you feel as you speak these words either out loud or quietly in your mind.

Spend some time in silence and just listen. Try to quiet your heart and mind as much as you can from any distractions that may be hindering you from hearing God’s voice. Just be still. Make room for the Holy Spirit to speak to you. As you begin to close your study and quiet time, repeat verse 14 to yourself a few times. Make it your prayer for today. Go in the grace and peace of Christ.

Author: Bethany Acres


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