The Threat of Kindness

February 9th, 2023

2 Samuel 9:8-13

As I write this devotional thought, there is a TicTok trend that is sweeping the United States entitled “National Shoot Up Your School Day.” Before my teens left the house I prayed for them and had serious discussions about staying alert and safe. My heart is heavy with prayer today as I ask the Lord for protection and wisdom.

Mephibosheth was a threat to the kingdom of David. He was the son of Jonathan, the grandson of Saul, the first king of Israel. He knew that he could be called into David’s presence and be killed simply because of his lineage. David had other plans. Mephibosheth called himself a dog, but David seated him at the king’s table to show honor, love, and respect for his friend’s son.

This example of David’s gives us a beautiful picture of the kingdom of God! We are dogs, undeserving. We took God’s very Son and killed Him to protect our zealous religiosity. However, instead of death, we are given a seat at the King’s table, honored as children of the King.

Author: Rachel Kuhn


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