Proclaim God’s Word

January 3rd, 2023

2 Timothy 4:1-8

If we are honest, our fractured and polarized societies challenge how we might apply 2 Timothy 4:2. To be sure, we have multiple and diverse examples of Christians who interpret this verse as an admonition to confront sin with little or no thought to the probable damage or outcome.

While Paul does use the imperative verbs to “correct” and “rebuke,” he also includes the verb “encourage.” He contextualizes all of the commands within the parameters of “with great patience and careful instruction” (v. 2b). The overarching admonition is for Timothy to “preach the word” (v. 2a).

The call to preach, (1 Peter 2:4-5) is a profound invitation to share the good news of Christ’s death and resurrection. This is the proclamation of God’s unmerited grace rooted in His inconceivable love for us. To preach this word is to proclaim that the Word became flesh and dwelled with us.

May Jesus and His profound love be the message that you proclaim today.

Author: Teanna Sunberg


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