The Bible’s Message Is Precious

January 1st, 2023

Psalm 19:8-14

In Psalm 19, David uses various words, like “precepts” and “decrees,” to refer to all the Scripture available in his day. The Scripture he had access to was considerably shorter than what we are privileged to read today. Imagine the joy David would experience if he had access to our Bible.

Psalm 19 shows three levels of how God reveals himself to humans. The broadest and most visible level, nature, should convince everyone that God is, and has always been, alive and active in the world. The next level is available to those who access the written Word, the Bible. It tells us all we need to know about God and how to have eternal life. The third level is the most intimate; we can apply God’s Word to our lives and enjoy a personal relationship with Him.

When we let the Bible’s “precepts” and “decrees” permeate our lives, we will agree with David that “they are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the honeycomb” (v. 10).

Author: Karen Hiner


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