Full of Life

December 18th, 2022

Psalm 69:30-36

A tornado ripped the entire roof and ceiling off of a beautiful home. Inside we would expect to see a home owner in mourning and despair. Instead, the man sat at his piano and played a hymn of praise!

The Psalmist begins with a list of woes and a description of being overwhelmed. The Psalm speaks of being unfairly treated and a desire for revenge. Probably most of us can relate to at least one of the author’s complaints. Verse 13 is the turning point, “But I pray to you, Lord” and asks for God’s love and grace to come to the rescue.  

This brings us to the last verses where we learn that praise is even more highly valued than sacrifice. Verse 32 reminds me of Matthew 5:3, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” The poor will see the gift of salvation that has been offered to us through Jesus’ birth, death, and resurrection, and they will be glad! All of us who seek God are offered this gift of eternal life!

Author: Courtney Coombs

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