Hugs and High-Fives
October 15th, 2022
1 Corinthians 6:12-20
I feel it’s safe to say that most churches practice what I like to call “holy commotion” during their morning worship. Some might call it “meet and greet” and others have called it “passing the peace.” Despite the label, it all amounts to the same thing-God’s people hugging, high-fiving, fist bumping, howdy sharing, and hand waving to those around them for a moment. This segment of worship can be loud and chaotic but I suspect God doesn’t mind. He loves it when His people gather together. He made us to need not only Him, but each other.
We are all connected. We need every smile, hug, handshake, and kind word we can get.
While we each have our own abilities, life through the Spirit is our common denominator. Isolated Christians aren’t complete Christians. They’re missing that important element of love and community that comes when God’s people gather.
So, make the most of the organized chaos. Wave, hug, high-five, give someone a million dollars. At the very least, purposefully smile at someone like you need them, because you do.
Author: Andrea Talley
October 15th, 2022 at 11:20 am
Hello, Could you please hyperlink the Bible reading to these readings. That happens and then it seems to drop. Additionally, I don’t think the Bible reference is correct for this passage. Thank you.