Dwell, Declare, Repeat

October 16th, 2022

Psalm 84:1-12

There’s a real estate company in a nearby city that uses the word, “dwell” on their signs. According to several dictionaries, “dwell” means to “exist” or to “stay.” It’s a rather appropriate choice for the housing market.

Another word came to mind as I saw these signs: “declare.” It is reasonable, I would think, to assume that if someone finds a favorable place to dwell, they’re likely to tell others about it. Again, some appropriate thoughts to consider when advertising real estate.

“Dwell” and “declare” sums up Psalm 84:4 nicely. When we exist in the presence of our Savior and indulge in His love and grace, it would make sense to tell others about in Whom we dwell. However, (and rather unfortunately) it’s easy to become comfortable as we dwell in Christ and forget to declare His majesty.

Perhaps, we could all use a sign that reminds us to “dwell” and “declare.” This is a simple reminder that we are called to share the good news of the God’s love. He calls us to help fill the vacancies in our eternal dwelling.

Author: Andrea Talley

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