Don’t Give Up

November 19th, 2021

RG AUDIO 111921


Psalm 13:1-6

Sometimes it even feels like God has forgotten us. During some really hard times a few years ago, it felt like that in our lives. So much loss and heartache kept coming. We got to a point that we were asking God, “Have you forgotten us?” Are we not your good and faithful servant? God reminded us of His love and presence.

Thankfully, we were not in the mortal danger David writes about in this psalm. However, the feeling of “Where are you God?” is just as real in either case. Sometimes we forget about God’s love and sometimes depression might find its way into our lives. The enemy wants us to doubt and lose hope. Verse four says: “and my enemy will say, ‘I have overcome him,’ and my foes will rejoice when I fall.” David, however, ends this psalm with the key verse: “But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation” (v. 5). Remember that God is loving and brings our salvation. Let us not give up or lose hope, but trust and obey the Lord.

Author: Joseph Heath


One Response to “Don’t Give Up”

  1. Márcio José do Espírito Santo Says:

    November 19th, 2021 at 3:17 am

    Gloria a Deus.
    As vezes nos queremos também que o Senhor resolva coisas que devemos resolver! Ao enfrentar esses problemas Ele sempre está conosco.

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