Work Like Jesus Until He Comes

August 26th, 2021

RG AUDIO 082621


Revelation 22:8-21

Funeral service completed; family members made their way to a dining room near the kitchen for lunch prepared by church volunteers. Needing help carrying the savory dishes to the serving table, the youth pastor, who assisted with the eulogy before the senior pastor’s sermon, realized this and immediately reached out to carry in the roast beef. As he set the plenteous platter on the serving table, he tipped it too far back and gravy surrounding the meat spilled on his clothing. The white shirt he wore was clean no more, and he felt he couldn’t stay for the meal. “Pastor, stay and eat,” the matron of the family requested. “Your heart to serve cancels out the stain.”

The epilogue in Revelation 22 included an invitation from Jesus in verses 12-16, pronouncing as blessed those having “washed their robes,” made white by the blood of the Lamb (7:14). Christ’s sacrifice is what makes us clean, enabling us to serve as He served, reversing the curse of Genesis 3 so that we may enjoy God’s presence forever.

Author: Bruce Oldham


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