Offering Grace

May 24th, 2021

RG AUDIO 052421


Romans 5:1-11

As a child and a procrastinator, there were times I submitted homework or an assignment late. I knew there was going to be a penalty, and that would affect my grade. There were times that a teacher would offer a grace period and accept my assignment late without affecting my score. I remember feeling thankful, and although I didn’t deserve it, I was rewarded with a beautiful gesture.

If a teacher did such an act of love, imagine the act of love God has for us. The apostle Paul writes, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). Jesus’ death for us is the act of grace for the forgiveness of our sins. That grace was not because we deserved it or because we earned it, but because God loved us even as sinners.

We may think of acts of love as being kind, caring, or affectionate, but an actual act of love is offering grace to someone who does not deserve it. Being on the receiving end of grace is always something special, so let’s share it.

Author: Samuel Simoes


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