It’s Compassion, Not Work

October 7th, 2020

RG AUDIO 100720


Luke 6:6-11

Just as we work to align our lives to the will of God, we must also align our practices of resting and observing the Sabbath. Within the context of our society, there has been a push to focus one’s energy on finding happiness and pursuing happiness. Our desire for rest and relaxation can often be at the expense of others.

The life of Christ, however, models a pursuit of holiness. Christ cared for not only for himself, but for the needs of others, as exhibited through healing the man with the withered hand despite it occurring on the Sabbath.

Our celebration of the Sabbath calls us into rest, but not at the expense of caring for others. There are times when a bit of work on our part can help usher others into the sacred practice of Sabbath.

Are the ways we are resting calling others into a rhythm of rest? Are we evaluating our practices to offer compassion to others? How can we make adjustments to shift our focus from the attainment of happiness, to the pursuit of holiness?

Author: Kristen Bell

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