Not Yet

September 25th, 2020

RG AUDIO 092520


Acts 17:16-25

My youngest child loved a show that had animals singing a variety of songs. She watched it every day. She pretended to sing and play guitar. So, for her birthday we found an inexpensive ukulele.

The philosophers and even the people of Athens loved to talk about the latest ideas (Acts 17:21). They would gather at various temples and discuss what new ideas were being floated around the philosophical circles. The conversations were buzzing and the temples were humming with religious activities. They loved it so much!

My youngest, while an avid fan of the ukulele, isn’t a musician (yet). The philosophers of Athens were avid religious thinkers but weren’t believers (yet). Paul drew on the potential he saw amongst these people and pointed them to the true God, not a poor imitation.

So many folks are having philosophical conversations, longing for something they haven’t found (yet). How can we, like Paul, see their potential and point them to God?

Author: Stefanie Hendrickson

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One Response to “Not Yet”

  1. guitarffa Says:

    September 25th, 2020 at 1:53 pm

    We have d to point ourselves to god

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