Nothing Separates Us from God
August 8th, 2020
Romans 8:31-39
Nothing can (or will) separate us from God’s love. Nothing. Now, that is a spectacular promise and an incredible gift.
Nothing life throws our way can keep God from reaching us and touching our lives. You might be tempted to think that sin separates you from God’s love. According to Paul in this passage, nothing in all of creation is able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Praise be to God!
This kind of love is incomprehensible. We live in a world that uses love as a commodity. It is given and used and traded for personal agenda, financial wealth, and political power.
That is not so in God’s economy. No matter our choices, or the choices of others, we are loved. Wanted. Chosen. Desired. Pursued. Cherished.
This means that right now, at this moment, the love of God is pouring into you, is at work in you, and is drawing you to Him.
Author: Aimee Stone Cooper