An Overripe Harvest
November 11th, 2019
Luke 10:1-12
When we tell gospel stories, we often focus on the mission Jesus gave to the 12 disciples. Luke 10 focuses on a larger body, the 72 followers made ready to do the work of the gospel. As Jesus sends them out, He gives them the necessary instructions and tells them that the harvest is ready. It paints a picture of fields standing ready: fruit ripened on the vine, and little time left to bring it all in.
Today it is easy for us to marvel at the stories of gifted evangelists and missionaries; to praise God for every new person who comes to believe. Often it is easier to believe that only those with special gifts can participate in these wonders. Our world is filled with such a plentiful harvest that all are needed to help bring in the lost. Our workplaces, the supermarkets, and favorite coffee shops are filled with the spiritually hungry.
The fields of this world badly need the work of us all to share the love Christ pours into our hearts. How are you joining the harvest?
Author: Michael Fraley