Power For Salvation

April 11th, 2019

RG AUDIO 041119


Acts 2:29-41

The hills and valleys of the Kingdom of Swaziland echoed with a voice of man crying, “Phendukani! Repent!”. As a child, I often heard stories of Harmon Schmelzenbach walking through the bush, calling people to repentance. To this day, “repent” sounds like “phendukani” in my mind.

Peter was Schmelzenbach’s example, calling the people in Jerusalem to repentance. Acts 2 tells us that the people were “cut to the heart,” when they heard Peter’s sermon (v. 37). They asked how they could be saved. I wonder if hearing Peter’s instructions brought to mind the words of the prophet Joel, “I will pour out my Spirit on all people”(2:28). Could the prophecy really be coming to pass? Would God truly give them the gift of the Holy Spirit if they repented and were baptized? Surely many of them did believe as three thousand were added to the believers that day (v.41).

The call for repentance, baptism, and infilling of the Holy Spirit still goes out today across our globe, teaming with different cultures and people. Phendukani! Jesus Christ still holds the power for salvation.

Author: L.M.A.


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