The Power Source

April 9th, 2019

RG AUDIO 040919


Luke 8:40-48

Although electricity is fairly inexpensive where I live, we have frequent power cuts. It is not uncommon in the developing world for there to be regular, planned blackouts as well as unscheduled blackouts. In those times, we are all looking for alternative sources of power.

In the case of Luke 8, the woman had been using alternative sources of power for many years. Only the Lord knows how many doctors, healers, and charlatans she had been to in her twelve years of affliction. And yet all it took was one simple touch from the true power source for her to be immediately healed. Jesus knew it and saw her faith.

On what alternative sources of power are we relying in our lives? The things of this world offer so many artificial sources of power. Ultimately, each and every alternative source of power leaves us in the dark. It is only in our daily, lasting connection to the true power source that we will find true light and healing.

Author: L.M.A.


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