On The Winning Side

January 8th, 2017

RG AUDIO 010817


Psalm 96:1-13

Leading politicians, ruling authorities, educational specialists, and equal rights activists all act as if winning means taking sides, giving the best argument, or fighting with the most destructive weapons. It produces conflict that pushes people to take sides.

However, that’s not the message God gives. He reminds us that He has already won the war and the argument. He doesn’t watch the gathering storm to pounce; He watches with a Father’s heart. He wants to help people know that they’ve drawn the line against the wrong enemy. Our enemy is not a political persuasion, a governmental leader, a tax law, or some protest or movement. Our enemy is a self-centered push to right the world without using God’s righteousness.

The psalmist reminds us that we need to wake up and remember every day that God already reigns. That means there are some fights we don’t have to take up. However, we still have a battle on our hands. To fight it, we must choose God and His ways. When we do, we’ve chosen the winning side, no matter how long it takes.

Author: Debbie Goodwin


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