The Joy Of Giving Back

September 24th, 2016

RG AUDIO 092416


1 Chronicles 29:10-20

When we think of David, several descriptors come to mind: Shepherd, Warrior, King, and “a man after God’s own heart.” One of the attributes that made him a great king was his recognition that all he had accomplished, all his wealth, and all his victories were from God and not of his own doing.

Yes, he made mistakes in his life–big ones–but he never forgot where he stood with God. Our passage today is a great example of why David was a great king for Israel. He never forgot that the Lord God was the actual leader and provider of the nation.

In our lives today, we need to be careful to remember that all we have and all we are is the result of a loving heavenly Father’s love, mercy, and grace toward His children. When we begin to hold too tightly to what we have been given, we are unable to receive the abundance that He has prepared for us each day. We should remember that one of the responsibilities that come with receiving God’s blessings is the joy of giving it back to Him.

Author: David Middendorf


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