Death Died, He Lives!
March 20th, 2016
Hebrews 9:11-28
For me, the most poignant portrayal of Jesus’ sacrifice can be seen in a painting. The picture I’m referencing shows Eve hanging her head in shame. She’s obviously burdened with her decision to eat the forbidden fruit. This one act doomed her and the rest of humankind to a life where sin separates us from a perfect relationship with God. The serpent, the one responsible for tempting Eve, is coiled tightly around her leg. Opposite Eve is a pregnant Mary, whose merciful countenance shows her knowledge of the one growing inside her–the Savior of the world. Mary takes Eve’s hand and places it on her stomach. Mary’s foot is crushing the head of the same serpent gripping Eve.
What a powerful image of the redemption Christ came to provide. His sacrifice didn’t come with a “tsk, tsk” warning and a wagging finger, blaming Adam, Eve, and their descendants for their follies. His sacrifice wiped out sin, and crushed Satan’s control over us once and for all.
Author: Katie Heid