Hard Hearts Vs. Simple Faith

February 18th, 2016

RG AUDIO 021816


Mark 10:1-16

Crowds came to Jesus, and He taught them. Pharisees came with questions, testing Jesus, hoping He would say something they could use against Him. Others brought little children to Jesus. He welcomed them, took the children in His arms, and blessed them. He said the kingdom of God belongs to those who are like children.

Our small-town Methodist church held a tent meeting when I was eight. I don’t remember the sermons. One thing stands out in my mind. The evangelists asked who wanted to accept Jesus. I knelt and asked Jesus to forgive my sins and come into my heart. I didn’t understand everything. I simply received Jesus and trusted Him to save me.

Children are willing to trust, eager to receive. No child, when offered a gift, says, “Oh, no, it’s too much. Let me pay for it.” They take the gift and say, “Thank you.” Salvation is like that. When we humbly confess our need, we receive Jesus and with Him, a place in God’s kingdom. We never “grow up” and earn salvation. Like a child, we receive it only as a gift.

Author: Juanita Nelting

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