Jesus, Commitment

June 13th, 2015

RG AUDIO 061315


Luke 1:1-10

Jesus is often surprising, but it’s not often that Jesus seems surprised. Outsiders have a way of doing what even Jesus doesn’t appear to anticipate. Similar to the Roman Centurion with unusually great faith, Jesus seems admiringly shocked by the dogged persistence of the Syrian woman (Matthew 15:21-28).

Sometimes outsiders surpass the faith of us churchy people. But when tax collectors and prostitutes enter the kingdom before the religious elite (Matthew 21:31), maybe we should expect more surprises.

If we have eyes to see, we may find an open spiritual door where we expected a brick wall. If we have ears to hear, we may discover the gospel of hope in a top 40 song on the radio, a blockbuster movie, or a neighbor’s conversation.

We may even find that the tables have turned. Our agnostic friend may teach us about faith. Our Jewish coworker may give us hope. Our Buddhist waitress may teach us something about peace.

God is at work at all times in all places in all people.

Author: Josh Broward

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